Women’s History Month: Building Cultural Awareness

Cultural Competency, DEI, Reflection

I am thrilled to share a slice of my personal joy today with my community, especially as we celebrate Women’s History Month. If we have even briefly encountered each other, you would know that I am a huge advocate for cultural awareness and understanding, not just in professional development but as an opportunity for personal growth. While there are many ways of building cultural understanding, my passion for reading – whether it’s for leisure, education, or simply curiosity – has been a cornerstone of my journey.


For me, books have always been silent yet profoundly eloquent teachers. I call upon them these days in my work, helping to build bridges between differentiating perspectives and lived experiences. I also regularly encourage my clients to explore narratives that challenge their perceptions and deepen their understanding of both their own culture and those of others.


So, imagine my absolute delight when I discovered that my local Baltimore County Public Library offers “Be Surprised Bundles” – a service where you can select a topic of interest, and the librarians curate up to five books on that theme for you. In celebration of Women’s History Month, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to immerse myself in the stories, achievements, and insights of women.


I just picked up my surprise bundle from the library, all about topics related to and about women, and I can’t wait to dive in. To my fellow readers, seekers, and dreamers, I encourage you to explore whether your library has a similar offering. Throughout the year, each month offers us unique opportunities to immerse ourselves in the rich stories from various cultural groups. This month, we’re especially focused on celebrating and honoring the incredible contributions of women. Let’s continue to support these vital institutions as they foster our collective journey towards understanding, empathy, and connection. Happy reading, and here’s to discovering the inspiring stories of women who have shaped our world!


Link to Surprise Bundles:

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